Capriotti's Sandwich Shop w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneCapriotti's Sandwich Shop



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3830, East Flamingo Road, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-454-2430
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.117059, Longitude: -115.090372

komentarze 5

  • Casey Liebel

    Casey Liebel


    When I tipped, the cashier shouted "beer money!" and the cooks did the wave like they were at a baseball game while yelling back WOoOoOo. I really like this place 😁

  • Hazel M

    Hazel M


    Really delicious sandwhiches and healthy. Ten times way better than subway.

  • Lv Remix

    Lv Remix


    The workers are really funny and helpful the food is really good as well.

  • en

    Tyrone Reynolds


    Walked into this location to pick up pre-made order. Store fully staffed with three to four people behind the register and two sitting at a table off to the side eating look like maybe managers. No one greeted the customers as they came into the door. Everyone seem like they didn't really want to be there. And you were bothering them by you being there. Second time in the store same as the first time was giving them the benefit of the doubt. But this just seems to be how this store is ran.

  • en

    Santini Zapata


    The team here can't handle lunch rushes one bit. Waited 25 minutes for my sandwich. Just look at everyone waiting. Keep in mind this was at 12:50 when most restaurants expect a rush. There wait was longer. And the guy up front with the beard has no person to person skills whatsoever. Sandwich was cold in 5 minutes and not loaded up like usual.

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