Capitol Lighting w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneCapitol Lighting



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75, State Route 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-843-5353
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9261329, Longitude: -74.0717403

komentarze 5

  • Nicole Pontebbi

    Nicole Pontebbi


    Great selection and the staff was very helpful. I worked with Isa, she was wonderful and very knowledgeable.

  • Lee V

    Lee V


    Beautiful selection of lighting and chandeliers. Higher prices than your big box common ‘’do it yourself store’’ but high quality stuff.

  • en

    Bailey Bailey


    I had a great experience at this store. The salesmen are very friendly and the manager Alijah really sealed the deal for us. He was very informative on all of the chandliers and helped us to find the perfect one for our new home. I had several questions before I made such a big purchase and he was such a pleasure to work with. I will be buying all of my light fixtures from this store. They have a great selection, excellent prices and the manager really cares about the customer. Ask for Alijah you will not regret it!! He is the best!

  • en

    Alexander E


    I found everything I needed for a new apartment. The spacious store is much more pleasant for shopping than the cramped shops of NYC Bowery 'lighting district.' Our salesman (Jeff) was well-informed and quietly helpful. Thanks!

  • en

    C G


    The first time I went in a few weeks ago, I approached the first desk and asked for help. She promised to get someone and never bothered to call anyone; after waiting 30-35 minutes I left. I went back today as someone recommended Debi. Well Debi turned out to be the same person who I asked for help the first time I went in....but I introduced myself and as she was with a customer she said it would be a while and to look around. After 45 minutes she finished with the customer and went on to help another customer who had just come in; all she said to me was that she would be a few minutes...that turned into another another 30 min...That's when I walked out the door. Extremely poor service; never bothered to apologize for the long wait or for helping someone else.

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