Capital One Bank en Rye

Estados UnidosCapital One Bank



🕗 horarios

57, Purchase Street, 10580, Rye, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-925-6701
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9836892, Longitude: -73.6850614

comentarios 5

  • Simon Ross

    Simon Ross


    Very helpful staff.

  • MrCooloo1



    A lot that you have to learn about this thieves before you get a credit card with them. I would place half star, if the option would exist. In the due date for make my credit card payment, because I have tried after 8:00 pm, a representative has told that now I have to pay $35.00 late fee. When I had got the card, they never have mentioned nothing about schedule in your due date.

  • en

    Akosua Nyarkwa


    No place to park

  • en

    Helson Cepelli



  • Bill Cusano

    Bill Cusano


    So, who writes a review about a bank? Are you serious? I like doing business with people who care about what they do, so, yes, I'm serious. When I registered my business in November of 2011, I knew I needed a bank account, but I was not happy with the fees I had paid in the past, nor did I feel I would ever feel welcome in the BIG banks. Well, I was meeting a client at Cosi in Rye and the sign in the window of Capital One boasted free checking for small business. After the meeting, I checked it out and I felt like I had come home. I was greeted by a relationship banker who made me feel like my business was the most important in the world, which of course, to me it is. Within 20 minutes, I was on my way with a new account, a cup of coffee, and a sincere wish for success that I did not expect. I was even invited back to meet the manager. Every time I visit, I feel welcome and though it sounds crazy, the staff seems to really care about my business. I'm hooked.

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