Capital One Bank w Nutley

Stany ZjednoczoneCapital One Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

474, Franklin Avenue, 07110, Nutley, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-661-0300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8226446, Longitude: -74.1562477

komentarze 5

  • en

    Erika Moran


    Absolutly love it!. It would be way better if it would open till 6 more than obe day a week being that i come out of work at 5😕 but the service and environment is great!👏

  • en

    Curt Dillon


    This is the worst branch i have ever been too so unprofessional

  • en



    The bank is supposed to close at 1 pm. The drive thru was closed at 12:30 when I went. The lot was full of cars but only three groups of customers were inside.I had to park behind another vehicle that was in the drive thru lane that was already parked. Three tellers were at the counter. The one teller was counting out already at 12:40 pm. He told me I would have to wait on line for the next open teller. When I was finally waited on I asked about the drive thru being closed and was informed that they close it at 12 pm even though the bank is supposed to be opened until 1 pm. The teller didn't even apologize for the inconveniences I had to endure. This is terrible customer service.

  • Nora Garcia

    Nora Garcia


    Went in to open a checking & savings account, Had lots of questions they were all answered allowing me to make educated choices. Had plenty to choose from, too. My experience was an excellent one. New it would be from the moment I walked in and was warmly greated. Capital One has services and programs that other banks don't. They are consumer friendly. I highly recommend this bank. They are very professional, courteous and knowledgeable.

  • Anthony Raimondo

    Anthony Raimondo


    You won't find a better group of people to service your accounts than the staff at the Nutley, NJ Branch. They greet you with a smile, and they all know you by name. You money is safe there because there will not be any Identity theft with bankers who know their customers. I now live in Studio City California and I still do business with that branch. When I call they recognize my voice, that's service.

najbliższy Bank

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