Capital One Bank w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneCapital One Bank



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357, Central Avenue, 07307, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-420-2840
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7475117, Longitude: -74.0486394

komentarze 5

  • Hazel Arroyo

    Hazel Arroyo


    No tellers????? Seriously? This bank is useless!

  • Christine Faro

    Christine Faro


    Visited recently to open a savings account. I stood in a deserted lobby for over 10 minutes waiting for a banker to at least acknowledge the fact that a customer was waiting. There were no other customers around so it didn't appear to be overwhelmingly busy so there's no excuse. And if I want to fiddle around with an iPad or call an 800 number, I would have stayed at home, correct? I would say bad customer service but in reality there was NO CUSTOMER SERVICE. Horrible.

  • Kirsten Dela Cruz

    Kirsten Dela Cruz


    I came in so confused.. I recently switched banks and I had no idea what to do. There wasn't anyone around at first, and almost left out of frustratuon. However, there was a teller there that ended up helping me. If you ever go to this bank on central ave. I suggest trusting any problems with Kristal. She will do more than just answer any questions that you came in for. I was able to fix the problem I had, and I left with options for future reference. I've always had a problem with every bank I've had, yet Kristal satisfied my needs. Very impressed. 5 stars!

  • Duberney Restrepo

    Duberney Restrepo


    Whoever idea it was go get rid of tellers and have no way to make a withdrawal without a debit card should be kicked in the nuts by every capital one customer

  • Thanisha Almanzar

    Thanisha Almanzar


    Horrible service, not only did i wait in line forever but on top of that they told me there was something wrong with my pay check, to ask the person who made it. After making me wait again trying to call the company which i advised was already closed because i work there. I called my boss and sent her a picture she said nothing was wrong with my check. i then went to the capital one in Secaucus and with no question they cashed it. The teller in JC is clearly inexperienced made me go through so much all to cash a check. Never going there again!

najbliższy Bank

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