Capital One Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCapital One Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2159, White Plains Road, 10462, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-822-7502
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8552858, Longitude: -73.8680127

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Smith


    One of the fat teller was very racist. He did not want to help me to open an account because I was black. He told me to go online. So I got up and went online and I saw him speaking forever with a Dominican guy but he couldn't take care of my and my queries. Never ever coming back to this place and I hopened he dies.

  • Israel Martinez

    Israel Martinez


    Thank you very much for finding where I need to go quick easy and fast

  • Clavijo Clavijo

    Clavijo Clavijo


    They are rude close the door on people faces only for being a min to closing

  • Dawshaun Thompson

    Dawshaun Thompson


    The Staff hear are very rude and i get a sence of racism , i never feel comfy when i come to this branch i alwsys feel like im being judged, or like i stole something. Horrible survice.

  • en

    Elena Vasiliu


    The tellers are very nice and professional. The manager doesn't care about the appearance of the bank especially the entrance. The windows are so dirty. All the branches in Manhattan, Queens and Long Island are shining. Why this branch is not similar? Because is in the Bronx? This means how the bank is treating us. The bank makes a lot of money . Shouldn't they treat us better? Can they spend on a window cleaner? The stores around it are much better and they are small businesses. The appearance matter. Always. I've complained to the Customer Service with no results. This brings the neighborhood down and is offensive. I don't feel like banking there anymore.

najbliższy Bank

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