Capital City Movers NYC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCapital City Movers NYC



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333, East 109th Street, 10029, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-619-4881
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7920681, Longitude: -73.9393507

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kevin Kaminski


    The Movers where very punctual and professional for the time they arrived, during the initial move and until the time they left. They called before arrival and promptly arrived at 9:30 am; they had a group of 6 men ready and raring to go. I immediately told them what we wanted moved, what rooms they can put things in and what we wanted done with certain desks/chairs/cabinets; which then they immediately got to work. They accommodated us with all our needs and demands and did everything in a professional and timely matter. I would definitely recommend Capital City Movers to anyone who is looking for professional movers in NYC they are amazing group of guys and they do amazing work!

  • Alon Lev Hertz

    Alon Lev Hertz


    Everything went perfect. The crew were professional and protected home and furniture adequately. Very good experience and fair pricing

  • en

    Lee C


    Just completed my move and I would have to say Capital City Movers gave me by far the best moving experience I could ask for. From the initial quote (which never changed) to the final move in and setup, I was more than pleased with the entire crew (including the back office and in-person movers). I was provided with a COI beforehand and itemized list of items to be handled. The crew took extra care with every item handled throughout the process, as if it were their own, and aided in the placement of my items to my liking. The move was quick and easy, making for a seamless transition into my new space. Thank you Capital City Movers, and I would recommend this company to anyone moving in the future.

  • Lisa T

    Lisa T


    1 review 5.0 star rating 10/3/2017 Great Moving Experience! They did an amazing job. We had an entire apartment with 10 years worth of stuff, plus all of my children's stuff. We had very big furniture and furniture that had to be taken apart. Not once scratch! They were on time, polite and professional. Very accommodating. Competitive prices. I highly recommend them and I would definitely use them again!

  • en

    Matthew Scarcella


    I had to move multiple rooms' worth of furniture in addition to 25-30 boxes of assorted size. Capital City Movers offered an unbeatable price compared to the competition. They arrived on time, and worked quickly and efficiently. They made sure to wrap all of my furniture and electronics/breakables to protect them from damage and whatever else could happen to or crawl on them. They also mentioned that their trucks are completely cleaned and heated after each move and that they have never had a history of bedbugs. I would definitely use again in the future, and I recommend scheduling your move with them.

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