Cancun Resort Las Vegas by Diamond Resorts w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneCancun Resort Las Vegas by Diamond Resorts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8335, South Las Vegas Boulevard, 89123, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 800-438-2929
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.0379668, Longitude: -115.1734755

komentarze 5

  • Manny Fonseca

    Manny Fonseca


    Kids & parents will like the different pool & hammock areas. Full Bar & Lunch favorites will keep Mom smiling & Kids happy all afternoon. Great water slides for big kids & a short slide for younger kids. Must be over 42in., so most kids under 3yrs can't slide. Great day-use hangout for Club Members with children.

  • John Smith

    John Smith


    Plenty of room in our suite, super quiet, wonderful beds, great facility on grounds with an awesome pool! Friendly, helpful and happy staff create the unique atmosphere here! Out dated bathroom fixtures, old furniture and fresh paint with new flooring are just a few changes that could be made to rejuvenate this once amazing looking place! The large suites could house small washer and dryer units to elevate a long term stay experience! Close to grocery shopping and many retail stores within a short drive as well as restaurants! Easy to get to "The Strip" via the speedway and easier yet to get to and from the airport!

  • Nicholas Orr

    Nicholas Orr


    Awesome Resort!!! The One bedroom is like an Apartment with Living room Area, Patio, 2 bathrooms one with walk in shower ; the other with Jacuzzi tub!!! Also lots of storage closet space, Ceiling fan , Full Kitchen( Stove, Full Size Refrigerator, Garbage disposal, Dishes forks, knives etc, Microwave... This place is Fully Stocked Restaurant, Water Park with slides, and Waterfall set in a Mayan Theme, gym and 4 Outdoor Jacuzzis also located right on the premises; that are open year round!!! This place is great, because it's right of the strip close but far enough away from the Crazy Las Vegas" Hustle and Bustle"!!! There is a shopping center right across the street with Restaurants and Tobacco shop, Nail Parlors etc in walking distance from the hotel. This is a great place for the entire family, I really enjoyed my stay!!!!!!!!!

  • Aaron Rogers

    Aaron Rogers


    This is a fantastic place to take the family. There’s a grocery store across the street, plenty of space, a kitchen, jacuzzi on the balcony, water slides, great location (near a freeway exit), and super friendly and helpful staff. We enjoyed the slides even though it was December. Our Blu-ray player wasn’t working, so someone came to replace it. While he was there he taught us how to use the balcony jacuzzi. The downsides: - underground parking is really limited - master shower is a death trap (see pictures) - kitchen is small - no washer/drier I’ll be back there again.

  • da

    Casper Bonde


    Store lejligheder med køkken og hvad man ellers har brug for. Venligt personale der ikke er for nærgående, som man ellers kan opleve på finere hoteller. Her kan man selv få lov til at parkere sin bil og tage bagage op til værelset/lejligheden.

najbliższy Kwatera

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