Cake Royale i Cleveland

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Forenede StaterCake Royale



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4276, Pearl Road, 44109, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 216-351-3553
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Latitude: 41.4392421, Longitude: -81.707105

kommentar 5

  • en

    st an


    We went on a Friday. It was the last monk cake on the tray, and we felt so lucky to get it, or so we thought, until we had our first bite. The chocolate shell was filled with smell of refrigeration, chocolate mousse was dry and lost its flavor. It was very disappointing.

  • paula mcconville

    paula mcconville


    The cheesecake here is not that great spent 70 on a variety of flavors and nobody liked any of them. We r cheesecake fans but not from this place

  • Maria Kossman

    Maria Kossman


    Cake was amazing, however for a scheduled 10am pickup the cake was not ready until 130pm and the frosting cracked.

  • en

    zac simm


    This place is amazing!! Everything I've ever tried has been delicious and beautiful. They are all super nice too:) Definitely the best bakery around!!

  • en

    Sonia Gil


    BEST CAKE IN TOWN!!! Nice addition to the Brooklyn area. Purchased the cookies and cake for my daughter's birthday. Wonderful! It was a huge hit.

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