Cafe Raymond i Pittsburgh

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Forenede StaterCafe Raymond



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2009, Penn Avenue, 15222, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-281-4670
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Latitude: 40.4513816, Longitude: -79.9837585

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shaunece smith


    I really enjoyed this place. Went on a holiday weekend and had smooth service. Food was great. Potatoes are amazing and the blueberry ricotta pancakes are to die for. Highly recommend if you are in the Pittsburgh area.

  • en

    Justin Dodd


    Good burger, little wait. Bathroom was clean. It is downstairs kind of hidden. Was warm inside even though it was 30 outside. Was a little disappointed they didn't have fries but roasted potatoes. My wife and the other two in our party enjoyed their food as well. 10.00 for the burger and potatoes.

  • en

    Kimberley Parfitt


    Great varied menu offering breakfast all day and lunch. The Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes are amazing and served with local 100% Pure Maple Syrup. My husband's 3 Egg Omelette was so light and fluffy that it looked like it was made with 6 eggs. Great food and experience!

  • Nancy Custeau

    Nancy Custeau


    My husband's office fed them Raymond's cafe food for a week. I got to eat it too! I was very impressed. The meatballs were delicious. The Greek salad had huge chunks of Feta cheese and generous amounts of real olives (not the canned tasteless kind). I especially enjoyed the salmon that came in a sweet sauce. My husband's favorite was the beef roast and mash potatoes. He kept saying how this was the best roast he's ever had. I don't know about the prices because it was a catered event. That said, I am really looking forward to going to the restaurant and try other delicious options.

  • Acaelum



    Cafe Raymond is a fantastic sandwich place. I have never been disappointed by their sandwiches. The Reuben is greasy, but delicious. Service is quick and kind, and the wait time is minimal. You pay at the beginning and take a seat, and someone brings food to you. The water is refreshing and the one jug has fruit in it. There is nothing for me to complain about.

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