Cafe Mio w Gardiner

Stany ZjednoczoneCafe Mio



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2356, U.S. 44, 12525, Gardiner, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-255-4949
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.6790142, Longitude: -74.1503991

komentarze 5

  • en

    Helena Helene Dembroski


    Still doing it right. Food is awesome. Service was good. Clean bathrooms. Fresh ingredients. Simple and delicious. Consistent food. Great little corner bistro.

  • en

    Antonios G. Kousoulos Jr.


    One of our first places we ate at when we moved to the Hudson valley. One of the only games in town for Gardiner like this. Great breakfast and lunch spot. Always busy.

  • Joanna r

    Joanna r


    I have only been here once, and I took my food to go, but I already love it. First of all, the staff is very friendly, you can literally feel the positive vibes from this place. The cafe is very clean and I absolutely love that the kitchen is out in the open. I love the fact that they support local farms. Now as far as the food, I kept it simple and went with the burger (al though I literally wanted to order just about everything on the menu). The burger was absolutely delicious (I got it with swiss). It was cooked exactly the way that I wanted it. The bun was great. I was not expecting a fried pickle with it (which was total perfection). The tomatoes and onions that came with it were extremely fresh (I am a tomato snob and these were on point!). I opted for the side salad, which was very fresh with a nice, light vinaigrette. I will definitely be returning.

  • Noah Alvarenga

    Noah Alvarenga


    Love this little brunch cafe. Although they don't have your typical coffee shop spread (although their lattes, coffees, and teas are all good brews), their food is to die for. Great service and a wonderful brunch experience.

  • en

    Ervin Anderson


    Fri, 4/6/18. Haven't been there in awhile, yet it's as good as I remember. It was a little early for me, for their selections of beer and wine. Nice assortment of menu items for breakfast and lunch, with additional specials available. Very relaxed atmosphere, energetic and attentive staff. Restaurant is very open in concept, with table seating for approx 30. Very casual, comfortable chairs. Nicely decorated.

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