Cafe Dia w Long Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneCafe Dia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

429 Shoreline Village Dr # F, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 562-435-7100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.760343, Longitude: -118.191783

komentarze 5

  • en



    Walked all around Shoreline Village, decided to eat at Cafe Diana. Weather was nice to sit and eat outside, not too busy. Waiter (Marco) was a bit unique, but it worked. Food was delicious, great view of the harbor and menu was well priced. We look forward to coming back.

  • en

    Gabriel Angeles


    Really nice people, very cozy corner and good food. Like the 80's music they played. Shared the soltani plate and the salad was crisp, and their salad dressing is super tasty. The rice was fluffy, the ground beef and filet were nice and peppery.

  • en

    Ryan Turner


    I came to Long Beach for a work conference and needed a good breakfast, Cafe Dia was great. Small, but quaint. Indoor and outdoor seating, great view of the harbor. I had the Mediterranean breakfast with gyro and it was simple and delicious. Our waiter/chef was friendly, efficient and polite.

  • Ana Milena Quiceno

    Ana Milena Quiceno


    3/01/2018. I wanted to surprise my best friend on her Birthday, and I drove 45 minutes to spend a nice morning on The ShoreVillage. Bad Service “Cafe Día”! It took 25 minutes to take the order. We patiently seat inside the little cozy restaurant, but we waited for 1 hour and breakfast never came. Restaurant has only one server. It is not the server fault, however she ended having an unpleasant attitude. Server was busy with five tables including us, and we never saw the food on the other tables either. The shorevillage charged us $6 dollars for parking and we ended not having breakfast at all.

  • Graham Mounsey

    Graham Mounsey


    Frank very friendly and helpful, lovely harbour view (including a pair of sea lions going past) and tasty fresh Mediterranean food.

najbliższy Restauracja

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