Cafe 32 en Wallkill

Estados UnidosCafe 32



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1151, New York 32, 12589, Wallkill, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-566-1223
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.60837, Longitude: -74.075323

comentarios 5

  • SheWolf Blood

    SheWolf Blood


    This bar would have gotten give stars from me back in the day, but now it's luck it get one, it's near is priceybso expect to drop a pretty penny, I don't know about there hard lquier I'm scared to order one in fear of financially burning a hole in my pocket, as for day they don't host pray the cool did leave early, $1.50 for a game of pool. I'll say this make your own opinion about the place it may offer some nice stuff to you but for me I'm totally MEH.

  • John Youmans

    John Youmans


    always a great time

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    Varin Arocho


    I've been going here for a long time must say it's a great place. The owner bartends, works very hard, and very friendly to all who come in. There's plenty of space for seating at the tables there, good food and servers, along with a pool table in the back. There's karaoke night, live bands like Breakin' Justice, and All Too Real, Super Bowl night, Halloween party every year, and New Years Eve party every year too. It's also good for personal parties or meetings if need be. Highly recommended. Cash and cards both accepted too.

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    Sherry Larsen


    My sister and I discovered this on Facebook and it was a blast a lot of nice people a real good time and the drinks are strong yeah

  • George Merkel

    George Merkel


    Great stop on the way home from Boyne! Much of the menu is made from scratch, very reasonable prices, and wonderful service.

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