CA - NY Express cross country movers w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneCA - NY Express cross country movers



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2000, McKinnon Avenue, 94124, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 888-680-7200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.74067, Longitude: -122.397784

komentarze 5

  • raquel torres

    raquel torres


    I used CA - NY Express Movers to relocate from San Francisco to New Jersey. I would definitely refer friends and family to use this company. ALL staff members were friendly, available, helpful, and accommodating. The movers who dropped off my boxes and furniture were also professional and nice! It was helpful to have updated alerts letting me know when the pick-up and drop-off times would happen so that I could prepare my schedule. I liked the online application to visually see what charges were going to be and I especially liked how they talked me through everything. I had heard horror stories about moving but this company was on time, had no hidden charges, and was very professional.

  • Rita S

    Rita S


    Very professional. Great service. Moved my dad from NY to LA. They stored our stuff for over a year. When we were ready for our things to be brought to LA it got here so fast. Movers were so nice and professional. Highly recommend!

  • en

    Lani Ludwig


    CA NY Express moved me & my husband from CA to NY in 2011 and we loved them SO much, we hired them to move us back from NY to CA in 2018! I've already recommended this company to friends and colleagues (who reported similar positive experiences) and would recommend again to anyone considering a cross-country move. The whole team-- from account managers, movers, foremen, dispatchers, storage facility employees, etc., etc.-- were friendly AND efficient from start to finish. These people are experts at what they do and also provide excellent customer service along the way-- all at a competitive and reasonable rate. Our move back to CA was delayed for personal reasons and we were in limbo for 9 months. For a reasonable monthly rate, CA NY Express allowed us to store the majority of our possessions in their storage facility in NJ which we were able to access easily as needed. When the time came to make the big move, our items were shipped to our new home in CA on the earlier side of the window provided, with detailed updates along the way. Our inventory arrived intact and our actual move-in was completed in under one hour! Can't say enough positive things about this company and how much easier they made our lives during a stressful time-- TWICE!

  • Lucile Russo

    Lucile Russo


    Thank you, CA NY Express! The teams in Brooklyn and Pasadena both did wonderful work. Having Noel come to the apartment in Brooklyn to inventory all our things was very efficient, and I especially valued the spreadsheet that let us see how much it was costing to move each individual item. I was amazed at how quickly the teams moved our furniture and boxes - on each end they were in and out in under 2 hours. I was even more amazed at how quickly our belongings made it across country! When they called to let me know that our things were in California and ready to deliver I actually needed to ask them to wait one day. One item was partially broken, but it was an old and inexpensive piece of furniture so I'm not terribly surprised. It was very helpful that the crew reassembled any of the furniture that they had dissembled for me, and they were careful to ask where I wanted each item in the new apartment. I hope I never have to move across the country again, but if I do I will call CA NY Express!

  • Booth Keeney

    Booth Keeney


    There are so many options for movers out there and it's a very daunting task picking the "right" one. We settled on CA - NY Express because the online reviews were exceptional. The price quoted was very reasonable, so as with any great deal discovered online, we braced ourselves for all possible outcomes, and took the plunge. We're absolutely thrilled that we did! To begin with, customer service was superb. All questions and concerns were answered promptly and efficiently by the front office. Moving day was shockingly easy. Our foreman, Silas, went way above and beyond the call of duty, and his team had our one bedroom apartment packed and loaded in the truck quickly (2.5 hours), but with great care. They applied extra finesse with our antiques and fragile pieces, which was very comforting. The whole experience was a ballet of efficiency (apologies for the metaphor, but we had been expecting chaos and were overjoyed to receive such well oiled, professional treatment. These guys know their business). The same was true for delivery (which beat the estimated arrival time by a few days). We couldn't be any happier!  These folks are friendly, enthusiastic, safe, efficient, and affordable. We'll definitely be using CA - NY Express on our return trip to NYC next year. Thanks guys!

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