C C Nail Salon en Wood-Ridge

Estados UnidosC C Nail Salon


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263, Valley Boulevard, 07075, Wood-Ridge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-896-1667
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8512264, Longitude: -74.0850327

comentarios 5

  • Stephanie Robalino

    Stephanie Robalino


    It's a good place to get your nails done. They also do a pretty good job at waxing eyebrows.

  • Lisa Rios Mcclure

    Lisa Rios Mcclure


    Friendly staff

  • Nadine Calderon

    Nadine Calderon


  • en

    Carter Saul


    I tried to love it here. The young women who do pedicures are phenomenal and extremely pleasant. The nail techs on the other hand are hit and miss. The shop owner is the only one who has done a decent manicure on me since I began going there. My most recent visit sealed the deal, I will no longer be returning. My cuticles were cut until I bled after repeating myself multiple times for her to stop. Then she forced me to sit at an angle so she could be comfortable and kept getting visibly upset with me when I asked to sit straight because my side hurt. The icing on the cake was when she picked a color I did not select and begun painting my nails (poorly) and had the nerve to have an attitude when I told her to double check my selection. Needless to say she continued with the same color and did not offer to change it. She was rude and inconsiderate. Also, they filed my gel extensions off even though I came in asking for them to soak it off to avoid damaging my nail bed. Total mess! NEVER again! If you aren’t one of thier elderly customers from the neighborhood they’ll try getting away with a lousy job. Avoid this place if you’re looking for some place new.

  • Regina Wall

    Regina Wall


Salón de belleza más cercano

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