ByGeorge w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneByGeorge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

524, North Lamar Boulevard, 78703, Austin, Travis County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 512-472-5951
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2713045, Longitude: -97.754303

komentarze 5

  • en

    Teresa Vonne


    Here's an experience where the sales clerk assumed she was better than her clients and refused to provide service in a respectful manner. My friend and I finished happy hour and stopped by, looking for an outfit for an out-of-country trip, and the women who greeted us were kind--save for the elderly woman with red hair and glasses. My friend was trying on clothes and this woman proceeded to whip open the curtains to the changing room and expose my friend, and barked if we were okay. Shocked, I closed the curtains and told her we were fine. She obviously didn't like that I was enforcing boundaries and she again violated us, whipping open the curtains for the store to see and proceeded to call us "girls." "Girls" do not make $800-1200 purchases and this type of micro-aggression is gross. If you cannot treat a person who has darker skin than you with dignity, then you might not want to work with people in general. The other staff were nice, and of a generation who understands that racism isn't a good look.

  • George Shiau

    George Shiau


    Men and women's clothing boutique catering to the fashion forward. You come here because you recognize and appreciate the finer details in design and construction, and are thus willing to pay the price. They try to bring trunk shows and other events to their stores to offer a differentiated experience to your big mall stores. The staff tries to be helpful but YMMV.

  • James Talbot

    James Talbot


    Great clothes and great service. The employees always know what they're talking about and I love stopping in every time I'm close by.

  • allie bruce

    allie bruce


    I haven't been back in years because of their price points, but great if you want to find something unique and cute. Have a great selection of designer jeans. Staff can be a bit snobbish. But good local store with some great finds that you won't find elsewhere.

  • Carey Cassidy

    Carey Cassidy


    By George always has something I like. They are up to date with trends but they have timeless pieces as well. The clothing is high and it's great quality. They have beautiful accessories as well.

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