Byblos Restaurant en Tempe

Estados UnidosByblos Restaurant



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3332, South Mill Avenue, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 480-894-1945
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3918867, Longitude: -111.9400378

comentarios 5

  • en

    Sugar Pop


    Homemade food. Falls off the bone lamb shank. Reminds me of my mom's cooking

  • en

    Greg Atwood


    Came to visit while here on business. Fun atmosphere with the belly dancer. Great service and good food. I would recommend it.

  • James Lasby

    James Lasby


    I had never had Mediterranean food before but my company had some foreign visitors who had different tastes. I found Byblos on line and it had good reviews so we gave it a try. I was very pleased and the food was flavorful and very enjoyable.

  • Sarah Lathrop

    Sarah Lathrop


    Absolutely amazing food! Service was impeccable and the owners were so friendly. HAVE THE TOMATO SOUP!!! I had the mixed grill and my husband had the lamb special. Everything was delicious. We'll be back for sure.

  • en

    Sr R


    Nice ambiance. Courteous Staff. Family owned and the owners walk the floor, take orders, supervise food delivery and ask opinions from customers. It shows dedication and deep involvement. Decent vegetarian selections. Limited Parking in the front and extended parking at the back. Large and filling portions.

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