Buzzbrews Victory Park w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneBuzzbrews Victory Park



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Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
2300, Victory Park Lane, 75219, Dallas, Dallas County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 214-871-2301
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7855179, Longitude: -96.8094194

komentarze 5

  • Robert Malka

    Robert Malka


    Nice place, good food. Service was a bit lacking but not so bad that it times the experience. Prices are reasonable for the area. The Nutella crepes are freaking amazing.

  • en

    Sven Sharpsword


    Went here with some friends after work and no one was there. I imagine they're packed at certain was 2 am before we left and the atmosphere was real laid back and everyone working was still tentative. Drinks were cheap and strong. Cool place

  • Betty Cross

    Betty Cross


    Delicious! Bartender let me sample two of their IPAs, and they were both awesome (and local)! Got the pancakes, potatoes, eggs, and bacon. Everything tasted great, and the portions are manageable. Coffee selection wasn't extensive, but the hazelnut cream flavor was to die for. A very good bang for your buck, and it's a nice area of Dallas. Definitely will be visiting again!

  • en

    Beverly Mondier


    When I was looking for a restaurant the other day in Dallas, I saw a sign outside that read Moroccan and Mediterranean cuisine. I decided to give Buzzbrews a try. It was an instant hit. The waiters, and the waitress were very helpful with a tea I ordered--Paris---a hint of floral was just delicious--served with a side of lemon and honey just hit the spot. Met the owner who was very personable as were his employees making the dining experience fun. Also I really enjoyed my salmon and salad. This place reminded me of the diners of days past--only this one serves coffees and teas from around the world along with a full bar. Also it is in a great location and open 24 hours.

  • en

    Kelley Merrill


    Do not come here expecting anything other than a diner. I also get the feeling that this is the kind of place that your experience will depend largely on your attitude. That said, I've been here twice now, both times I had family visiting, and we liked it a lot! It's close to the Perot, Aquarium, and the AT&T center. Oh, and open 24 hrs! The food is great, the staff helpful, the atmosphere funky. Totally my kind of place and I'll keep bringing people back!

najbliższy Bar

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