Butler Joanne M DDS w Manhasset

Stany ZjednoczoneButler Joanne M DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

166, Park Avenue, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-365-8005
strona internetowej: www.jbutlerdds.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.797508, Longitude: -73.693493

komentarze 5

  • Shak Gallant

    Shak Gallant


    Dr. Butler is great. She doesn't mess around with the appointment cancellation policy, so make sure you adhere or be prepared to pay up. Her work is solid and she's an overall pleasant person to deal with.

  • Claudia Rose

    Claudia Rose


    Dr. Butler made my experience with her full of ease and extremely educational at the same time. I look forward to going to the dentist now knowing I have such a qualified individual looking out for me and my hygiene.

  • Mr_ Jae_08

    Mr_ Jae_08


    Very friendly and understanding. A true professional at her job. I recommend her if you need any dental work. 👍

  • en

    Yaniris Byfield


    Dr. Butler was amazing! She came out to meet my daughter, who is three and this was her first dentist visit, and Dr. Butler explained to her that she was going to do, check her teeth and count them. She interacted with her beautifully. I could tell my daughter felt comfortable and She had a beautiful experience. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for a pediatric dentist.

  • James Ryan

    James Ryan


    Dr. Butler and her staff are wonderful. Her X-Ray technician was patient and did a great job. Dr. Butler did an expert teeth cleaning. She cares about her patients and their oral health. She is encouraging and informative. Her receptionist is welcoming and accomidating. I left her office with a brighter, healthier smile and feel motivated to take better care of my teeth.

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