Busboys and Poets i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBusboys and Poets



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1025, 5th Street Northwest, 20001, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-789-2227
internet side: www.busboysandpoets.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9029064, Longitude: -77.0186613

kommentar 5

  • Andy Roberts

    Andy Roberts


    The best breakfast and the best service of our entire 4 day visit. We will definitely come back. The French toast was on point and the sweet potato pancakes were fantastic. The coffee was the also the best that we had during our whole trip. This place also had a very chill atmosphere which was nice.

  • Devin Enderes

    Devin Enderes


    While the food was excellent, the service was questionable. We were told to wait twenty minutes for our table to be ready. This wasn't the issue, as we did visit during a holiday weekend. I am not unreasonable. We returned to the restaurant in less than two minutes of receiving the alert text, only to be told our table had been given away. The issue was resolved in less than five minutes, and we were led to our table. This seemed to be its own form of barely controlled chaos as, while everyone was exceptionally friendly, nobody seemed to know what was happening or who was helping who. In addition, our waitress seemed distracted and didn't quite complete our order until her second or third pass. As I said, no lack of pleasantries or manners at all, but something just left me feeling off about the service in general. Though I enjoyed the food, my wife did not. We did both enjoy the overall ambiance, and think perhaps a second visit during less busy times would be a different experience.

  • Gwen Shearman

    Gwen Shearman


    I've been here for breakfast/brunch a handful of times and the Oaxaca omelet is delicious! Highly recommend. There may be (likely) a wait, but I always end up buying a book from their little bookstore waiting for a table so it's a win-win.

  • en

    Joseph Speaks


    I really really like this place! The staff were so so friendly, even though I was there at closing time and basically the last one in the restaurant. The pricing was reasonable and worth it. The place itself and the atmosphere are attractive as well as charming. Everything here is quite well done from my experience. I will return.

  • Thomas Madeya

    Thomas Madeya


    Frühstück: eigentlich eine nette Location. Das Essen war nur mittelmäßig. Neben uns am Stehtisch standen 6 Kellner/innen beim Essen (!!!) und haben sich unangenehm laut unterhalten. Vielleicht ist es abends besser ?

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