Burger King en El Mirage

Estados UnidosBurger King



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13775, North Dysart Road, 85335, El Mirage, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 623-533-6448
sitio web: locations.bk.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.607548, Longitude: -112.341318

comentarios 5

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    Sue Ellen Pierce


    Food was fresh, but we waited in drive thru for almost 20 mins. Update: Customer service was awful, didn't speak to anyone who was kind. All the employees were to good to give their attention. Food was cold even after waiting for it, and chicken nuggets were burnt. I was very disappointed with the service or lack of we received tonight.

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    Rinda Silvas


    YOur burgers are always good. Don't know what happened this time. Payed for cheese didn't put it on. Didn't notice until I got home.

  • Craig Byers

    Craig Byers


    This Burger King is fairly new... Always give new restaurants a good rating because everybody tries hard. Not a huge fan of Burger King's food, but this one has great service.

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    Hong Pham


    Went here today around 2pm. I am disgusted by the customer service that the lady had given me. She was extremely rude and seem like she hated her job. She seem like she didn’t want any business. She anticipated while I was getting my money like she wanted to jump in my car and do it for me. She gave me my drink and forced the bag into my hand to hurry me off because she obviously had better things to do. I opened the bag and looked at my burger and it looked like garbage. Like they slapped it together in 5 seconds. I wanted to throw up looking at it. I went to chik-fil-a after and got a meal there instead. I will never waste any time or money ever coming back here.




    I've visited this location several times within the past month and never had any issues with my order. The staff here is friendly anf they get your order out quickly. I wish other locations would run smoothly like this one.

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