Buggy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBuggy



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389-391, Empire Boulevard, 11225, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-705-4480
strona internetowej: www.joinbuggy.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6642232, Longitude: -73.9493152

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vadim Kostyk


    Very good company. Very good staff. Very professional. Staff always are willing to help customers. Monique from billing was helpful.

  • en

    robert kemp


    Excellent staff! Buggy has a great team and I’m super proud to be renting with them. I would recommend Buggy TLC to anyone. Excellent service and they make me happy!!!!!

  • en

    cesar chacon


    Everything was amazing. The staff are very friendly. The gay who help me was really nice. This place it’s better than tower Auto Mall.

  • en

    plarel acton


    Staff: Unprofessional. I could do a better job than most of them. Some of them are on their phones texting and face timing right in your face. They hardly go the extra mile to help you out. That was the least of my problems. Prices: I don't know if there are any changes now but when I used to rent from them they charged whatever they felt like. There wasn't fixed prices for any cars. They took advantage of whoever they felt like and charged serious money. I'm not saying that these cars should be free, but charging so much to people is not right. It makes it hard for people to earn a living when you charge so much weekly and still have to put gas in the car about 3 times a week. Quality of the vehicles: I don't understand how they charge so much money for renting and the quality of the cars are very poor. For the first car I rented, I was going every week to have something fixed on the car. Out of the 4 cars I rented from buggy, this was the car they charged me the most and I can't even say how much because it's that embarrassing. Maintenace: I had a front headlight out not too long after getting my fourth and last car from buggy. My stupid luck had to run out and a cop pulled me over AND gave me a summons(which I'm putting a dispute for). I'm not attacking buggy like they planned it for me to get pulled over, but with the money that they charge for these cars, they could have put in brand new bulbs & stuff in these cars so these kind of inconveniences don't happen. Now, the same day I got pulled over, I went to buggy later when they opened to get this headlight fixed and get this summons issue settled. The mechanics came over TWO hours later. Same thing happened a week later when I had to do an oil change. Waited over 2 hours and then they said go to Albany avenue for the oil change. Like why was this not said from the beginning? So in conclusion, buggy was a big inconvenience to me personally because with all the maintenance troubles with the car, I had to leave from Bronx to Brooklyn and that took time from working to pay their rental + insurance, gas, AND putting money aside for myself. I am so much less stressed now because I bought my own car and I can be more relaxed not owing money every week. For months straight I was working everyday to earn a bit of a decent living. I know not everyone has the luxury to own a car but if you can ever save up for it, I recommend because it's cheaper than renting. If you stay at buggy, I don't know how easy it will be because of their expensive rentals. Best of luck to you all dealing with this crooked place. I wouldn't wish it even on my worst enemy.

  • Otil Media

    Otil Media


    Staff here is quick and efficient. They have their own system and culture of caring for the customer. Give them a chance, and they'll help you out! Was only able to catch one person name, Jason. Jason is all over the lot working hard, and still helping customers as they come to the maintenance section. The man work long hours too! Seen the man at night, and the next day early morning!

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