Buffet@Asia w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneBuffet@Asia



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151, North Nellis Boulevard, 89110, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-432-4330
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.162543, Longitude: -115.0625883

komentarze 5

  • Nicole Cruz-Santos

    Nicole Cruz-Santos


    I love this place! You can have sushi, salt and pepper crab, huge plates of head on shrimp and a beer for like 20 bucks for 2! Sign me up.

  • Safiyyah Washington

    Safiyyah Washington


    Great food for a great price! My new favorite spot

  • Dean Atkinson

    Dean Atkinson


    good buffet. 12 of us went from California and everyone enjoyed it very much. For the Price best seafood buffet in Vegas. 5 locations, Nellis Blvd is the best one for some reason.

  • Lixandro Cordero

    Lixandro Cordero


    Whenever I want to satisfy my sushi cravings I drop by ;) the place is always busy. The staff is very helpful and always willing to please. There is an amazi g selection of sushi and seafood. All fresh and yummy! Also the price is very forgiving. 2.people can dine for just 25 including a beer and a bubble tea. You can always bring your kids because dessert is also great. They have fruits pie and icecream. I prefer dinner time, even though is a bit more expensive is also affordable.

  • JW LV

    JW LV


    The food is fresh and tastes good. Staff is mostly friendly, although there are some not so friendly servers who don't speak much English. I like this place. I like the food. I like the price. My only complaint is not really about the restaurant. It's about the parents who don't keep an eye on their kids. I mean, who lets their little 5 year old run around getting food by themselves? I usually sit near the food area so I can keep an eye on the mess that these little monsters make. I've seen kids drop a piece of chicken, pick it up off the floor and put it back in the tray. Then some unsuspecting customer ends up eating something that's been on the floor. Come on parents! Be a good mom or dad and LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN KIDS!

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