Buffalo Exchange w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBuffalo Exchange



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3450, North 7th Street, 85014, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-532-0144
strona internetowej: www.buffaloexchange.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4881163, Longitude: -112.0656511

komentarze 5

  • en

    Hope Montgomery


    Staff was really sweet. I liked their vibe. Love that they ditched bags. Love that they put the money they would have used towards bag towards other organizations (bettering Arizona) & theyre right next to an awesome taco joint!

  • Grace Foster

    Grace Foster


    I have to give this place one star because there's an employee there who acted very discriminatory to my friend, very possibly transphobic. She really was rude, and seemed to barely even look at the clothes my friend brought in. The buyer's hair is short and blonde and she has blue eyes. Many second hand places are often mocked for their holier-than-thou attitudes, so I think places like this should be mindful about that.

  • Fred Moreno

    Fred Moreno


    Located conveniently. The shop is kept clean and organized for a clothing exchange store. The girls working there (went there when all the staff were female) were just amazing. Not only helpful but always with a jolly smile. Got some good recommendations for brunch. Anyways... Great value for what I sold

  • Scott Lahey

    Scott Lahey


    In my opinion, one can't go wrong with Buffalo Exchange in general, no matter if it's the Phoenix or Tempe location (although the Tempe store does cater to a younger, college-aged crowd, and that's understandable). But, the Phoenix store is my definite favorite of the two, hands down! Conveniently located, super clean inside and out, friendly staff (the majority of them, anyway), fast service, and usually a good selection of clothing to pick through (and please note: selection CAN vary from day to day/week to week, which is the nature of the beast when dealing in second-hand clothing!). If you're selling clothing, all I can say is that in MY dealings with the buyers here, they've always been reasonable with thier offers! The Phoenix store gets a well-deserved, 5-star rating from ME....all day long, 7 days a week, and twice on Sunday!

  • Audrika Gavins

    Audrika Gavins


    I love the finds of something old but New in my find. Very convenient when shopping at lunchtime and looking for that special outfit for the next Holiday Party or Event! HAVE FUN SHOPPING!

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