Budget Car Rental i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBudget Car Rental



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222, East 3rd Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-376-7073
internet side: www.budget.com
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Latitude: 35.223891, Longitude: -80.843748

kommentar 5

  • en

    Natasha Khawaja


    What a complete joke of an owner. Made a reservation online and the owner MADE-UP policies and refused to honor our reservation. Policies were confirmed to be false by budget customer service. PLEASE do not use this location, heed the previous warnings from reviews. It’ll waste your time just like it did ours.

  • en

    Jonatan Lopez


    They overcharge for a rental. Poor customer service.

  • Brion Cephus

    Brion Cephus


    The female attendant was very rude and utterly unprofessional. She was on her cellular device the entire time she was helping guests, didn't know the answers to basic questions, and wasn't even at the desk when we entered. To make matters worse, she failed to inform my friend and I that a credit card was needed instead of a debit card to finalize the rental payment, despite the fact that we paid the insurance with a debit card. DONT RENT FROM THEM, EVER. You'll be better off going to enterprise than dealing with this clown of a company.

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    Austin Wheeler


    Absolutely HORRIFIC OWNER. HORRIFIC. He has SCAMMED several friends of mine and is an Absolutely RUDE CHILDLIKE BEHAVIOR. Someone needs to SHUT THIS GUY DOWN NOW SAD WE HAVE TO CALL THE LAW FOR THIS GUY

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    Sharelle Melnichenko


    Should've read previous reviews before going through Hotwire to use Budget. They also charged me extra because the car I reserved was not available. Other companies just give you the upgrade. I also drove one-way to the next state and the car had no washer fluid! They also gave me the car that had 3/4 of the tank full. I would not recommend this location. Very unapologetic.

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