Buddy Stubbs Harley-Davidson w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBuddy Stubbs Harley-Davidson



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13850, North Cave Creek Road, 85022, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-971-3400
strona internetowej: www.buddystubbshd.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6123236, Longitude: -112.0359187

komentarze 5

  • Daniel Hartness

    Daniel Hartness


    Mixed emotions about this place. Been here many times bought parts. Nice museum, So on so forth. Even bought a shirt wile I was there for 6 hours when I decided to used service for the first time last Saturday. Will Not use service again, not because of the tech or work, but one guy. The lady’s were sweet. The one manager or who ever he was was a douche. Tried to make me feel like a a$$h*le for my stuff coming back to me worse then it went in and tried say it always like that! Even if there was a hairline crack I got it back with 1/4 in crack in the Y pipe. It happens. But don’t come at me with I’m not going to buy you a new exhaust and an attitude. Never asked you to. Spoke to his boss man and he was a good dude got me fixed up and got me home but even he came across with a bit of attitude also about the situation, could have felt that way just because dealing with the other jack. I understand stuff breaks and it is an older bike but you don’t need to be that way and piss me off like that. Honestly I’m not a guy that gets pissed over stuff breaking, I break stuff all the time, but that guy, my life just would have been better if I had never met him. Everyone else. Thanks for doing what you could, welding it up, to take care of the issue enough and get me back home.

  • Becky Patterson

    Becky Patterson


    I was thankful for the warm welcome we received from the employees here. My sister was visiting from N. Carolina and was experiencing a less than warm greeting most everywhere. When we arrived, the gal was friendly, knowledgeable, and funny. the clothes are awesome. and the bikes are BEAUTIFUL!! So, thanks for a great day.

  • en

    gabriel martinez


    I just stopped there on my way to school. I walked in there just for a visit and no one acknowledged me at all. I walked by two clothing sales associates and maybe two floor salesmen. I could of swore I read somewhere that it takes about 2 to 5 minutes for a customer to decides if he or she will want to spend money or think about giving business to an establishment. I was in there maybe 10 minutes. I literally walked by same salesmen twice and he walked away from me... unbelievable.. I am not saying I was looking to buy another Harley bike again 🙄. I was very disappointed. Nice place, my first time in there and not a very good first impression was left, didnt feel a part of the Harley Davidson brand they talk about so much, not sure if I will come back to this place. the time was about 1130 in the afternoon when I visited.

  • Roth Esposito

    Roth Esposito


    If you're in the market for a new Harley, Buddy Stubbs HD is the only place to go. The entire process was painless, the staff was exceptionally helpful, and my first purchase as a new rider was stress-free! I was out the door in less than an hour so if you value your time, you're in good shape. A huge thank you to Frank, Eric, Rafael, Moe, Mark, and all of the guy's for helping me out and for taking exceptional care of me. I won't shop for bikes, parts, or accessories anywhere else. Loyal customer for life. See y'all soon!

  • en

    William Smith


    My experience at Buddy Stubbs is always a nice one. It doesn't matter whether I enter the building from the main entrance to shop or the rear entrance at service, someone notices me and immediately greets me with hello and a nice smile. When I'm shopping in the store I never feel pressured to purchase anything, but when I'm in need of assistance someone is always ready to assist me. Recently I had noticed my Harley was struggling to start. Since it was just a battery maybe I could sneak in on a Saturday morning to see if service could fit me into their work schedule and replace it with a new one. They did just that! Now the important part of this experience folks should know about is at Buddy Stubbs they are all about your safety. Before signing any paperwork to approve work, service does a really thorough inspection of your bike. Well much to my surprise my rear tire was actually running on the tread line. When I told them I was planning a trip to Flagstaff they really suggested I replace my tires first. The front tire had crowning due to the extreme heat this past summer, so my decision was to upgrade to new tires. These guys are all about people first! Thank you All at Buddy Stubbs for always taking great care of our family when we visit your store.

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