Bubble Bath Car Wash w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneBubble Bath Car Wash



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7027, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Boulevard, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-854-9147
strona internetowej: bubblebathcarwash.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7983073, Longitude: -74.0153467

komentarze 5

  • Amir Bahremand

    Amir Bahremand


    Just came from there and they didnt even bother finishing their job and left inside I was there 15 min washing my car I paid 15$ for it last time was the same just wanted to give them another chance since its close to my house never again

  • en

    Luis Bermudez


    Good on the outside wash. Interior sucks! It’s not worth paying additional $10. Dashboard was all dusty, steering wheel left as is and cup holder still had the same candy wraps.. smh

  • Ali Omari

    Ali Omari


    I paid $20 for a wash and my car was still fairly dirty. I've been to better places.

  • en

    Nadya Suarez


    My car was filthy and full of dog hair. They did an excellent job!!!! Not one hair left in the car and it looked brand new. Bought the $25 interior and exterior wash, needless to say I will be going back soon!

  • Mauro Briceno

    Mauro Briceno


    This place is disorganized, the cars almost hit each other in the car wash because they don’t have enough man power. The cashier had to run and get my car before the other car hit it behind. At the end they made me pay $20 dollars with shinning wheels included. They never even shined my wheels. They can keep the $20 dollars but I’m not coming back to this place.

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