Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. w Long Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneBubba Gump Shrimp Co.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

87, Aquarium Way, 90802, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 562-437-2434
strona internetowej: www.bubbagump.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7633326, Longitude: -118.1957379

komentarze 5

  • Carlos Flores

    Carlos Flores


    I was going to rate them higher but I waited almost 40 minutes because someone forgot to put in my order. After all that, they brought the food. We finished and they tried to make things right by offering us dessert on the house. Guess what? We ended up waiting longer. We decided to leave and just forget the dessert. I still tipped 15% but only because I was having a good time before getting to this place. This wasn't going to change my mood .

  • en



    Loved the personality of my server Adrian, very helpful and well trained to deal with different situations with customers. He definitely deserves a raise. If you go to this location ask for this server for a funny and helpful experience. Thank you to all servers and cleanliness of the restaurant.

  • Abduallah Bohamad

    Abduallah Bohamad


    It's cool how the place is decorated mostly from stuff from the movie Forrest Gump. Their food was delicious. The prices I think are reasonable. For 2 people it was in the 60s, because of that, they're not getting a 5 star rating. Other than that, I love the experience.

  • Stella Cordova

    Stella Cordova


    First time visitor, and I went twice in four days. Food was good. Service was amazing. The decor of the restaurant is super cool and wasn't expecting the store to take on such a connection to the movie Forest Gump. We got seated fast. Prices are high, but expect for a place like this. They sell hamburgers, fish, shrimp, ribs, chicken and steak - not just sea food.

  • en

    Karrah Sampson


    DELICIOUS FOOD!! The coconut and fried shrimp are both to die for! The atmosphere is really fun and the perfect vacation dining spot. The host was a little odd but the rest of our service was great. I would definitely recommend it and would totally go back in a heartbeat!

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