B&S Lighting w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneB&S Lighting



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14202, Liberty Avenue, 11435, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-487-4441
strona internetowej: www.718lights.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.691893, Longitude: -73.809957

komentarze 5

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    Kabir Ahmed


    We went to 7 or more stores all over Queens, before checking out B&S lighting. NOWHERE MATCHED THE EXPERIENCE B&S LIGHTING HAS GIFTED US WITH! We were looking to buy a chandelier for the living room and it was our first time. Azeem and the staff were amazingly helpful and informative in guiding us to their large selection of beautiful light fixtures. With their help we found a chandelier we are in love with. There was a hiccup on their part in the process but not once did they let go of a chance to correct the issue. B&S lighting WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE UNTIL YOU ARE COMPLETELY SATISFIED. Azeem and staff went above & beyond to make up for any inconvenience incurred. Aside from their unbelievably low pricing, their kindness and humble gestures are commendable. I cannot emphasize enough how much our friends, family and their businesses reccomend this place. THANK YOU AZEEM AND STAFF OF B&S LIGHTING!

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    Umer bachu


    This place works with everyone’s budget. Highly recommend this place.

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    Majumder Akhter


    You guys proved it again that you lies a lot. Every time I called I talked so nicely and was hoping that Azeem/ owner will fix the problem. But nope, you guys don’t know the manners. I even told you can give me store credit/ fix it/ you can give the base of the same chandelier with six bulbs, once I pick up it, I will give you back the old base, . I told you guys that I don’t want to return it because for that one chandelier, I have to change all three chandeliers for the same room. The other two is with 20 bulbs and 4 bulbs. Why do I have to waste my money for your lying. I’m not a review writing person but I had to for your bad business policy. And yeah, Azeem told me he was going to send the technician at my home on Sunday morning to Fix bulbs and for that we had to cancel all our schedules for that day. At noon when I called, you guys are behaving that you don’t know anything although I spoke with every single person before. You guys sucks. I’m donating my money to you/owner/Azeem. Have party today with my donation money....you poor people

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    Miriam Kassin


    The best place to shop for your Chandler lights is at b&s lightning. The sales person have the best mannerism and business ethics. I urge you guys to go and see the display . Next day delivery

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    Khan Ullah


    Customer service skills absolutely sucks I had to make a comment about their product and company in order for them to get back in contact with me and to fix the problem it took for me to write a review for them to get back to me all they care for is that u give them a great review once they have that they don’t care for anything else just make sure everything Buy has all belongings. The reason u won’t see bad comments is because they flag it right away to make it seem as if they are great business people that’s y u won’t see any bad comments about b and s lighting I didn’t even want to give them one star because they don’t deserve it what so ever they deserve no star what so ever b careful when purchasing from them my dear friends

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