Bryan's Quality Plus in Massapequa

Vereinigte StaatenBryan's Quality Plus


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3829, Beechwood Place, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-785-2778
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Latitude: 40.6806563, Longitude: -73.4742914

kommentare 1

  • JoniJosi Coyote Verlingieri

    JoniJosi Coyote Verlingieri


    In 2003 to 2005 I worked for (Bryan D. Gallager)Bryan’s Quality Plus - he was buying houses and selling them to make profits. Too many houses were showing on his credit report so he asked me if I would have the houses put in my name and he would buy them back from me or sell them . The houses were signed over to me and we signed a certified note that he was responsible for all mortgages, taxes. Years later he had me sign power of attorney over to him, to sell houses and he told me I wouldn't be obligated anymore, (big mistake), he sold (125 Jericho Road, New Gretna, NJ), for $229,000 and he only paid the 1st mortgage $161,000, the 2nd mortgage for $40,000 was left unpaid and I have proof it was wired to his bank account. The 2nd house 115 Lakewood, Little Egg Harbor I had to end up selling myself. Now I have 2 foreclosures on my credit report after I had to go bankrupt because of this man. Him and his girlfriend Rossana Storani, I believe now wife used my name and signed my name on documents without my permission. They should be in jail. Joni Josi Coyote Verlingieri

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