Brown Bag Deli w El Paso

Stany ZjednoczoneBrown Bag Deli



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4319, Fred Wilson Avenue, 79904, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 915-562-2399
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.8262147, Longitude: -106.4395922

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mike Kalabsa


    What the heck BBD? I have had many great sandwiches at your establishment. The afternoon of Sunday, May 6th must have been your B team. I had been telling my wife and daughter how great their sandwiches were going to be. What a total disappointment. The bread was ok, but the meat... I don't think there was 8 slices of corned beef on my Reuben. Like 1/8 of an inch... 3 dimes stacked sad. That was a LARGE? That sandwich was as pathetic as, or worse than the dirty word: SUBWAY. Ew! You made me go there...

  • Alex Candee

    Alex Candee


    Brown bag deli delivers excellent sandwitches. However their customer service is ok. Three times not so great service.

  • en

    Mike Nichols


    The warning first. Parking is highly competitive around lunch, pulling out on to Fred Wilson is a full contact sport. Totally not the restaurant's fault, but if you are not familiar with the area bring a spotter! On to the real reason any one goes here. Sandwiches. Super fresh bread. A refer case full of meat and cheeses. I honestly think I could just get a "special" any day of the week and be happy with it. Today I got a regular #7. No mayo /onion. The other person with me got a mini meatballs. Sides of mac, or potato salad. Chips were an option but not what we chose. We could have shared either one... Quality A+ Quantity A+ Service A+ In spite of a small line and a few to go orders ahead of us we had our food before our behinds were firmly in our seats. Another diner was heard to remark " I wish they would quit making them so big."

  • Felicia Corrales

    Felicia Corrales


    One of my favorite sandwich shops. I love the home vibe they have going on. The only down fall is it's so far from where I live but I don't mind making the trip since it's so good. All the staff is great as well. Keep up the great work.

  • en

    Veronica Roberson


    The place itself, is nothing special. Not fancy or polished. They could do better on keeping tables clean. Other than the ambiance, the food is amazing. I tried the regular size sub with turkey and it was too much for me to finish eating. Also, the combos give you the option of getting chips or potato salad. One thing that also made me add points to this place is the size of the bag of chips. They do not give the small snack size, they have the larger personal size bags of chips. Great place to try out. I will definitely be back.

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