Brown Auto Repair w Waco

Stany ZjednoczoneBrown Auto Repair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

912, La Vega Street, 76705, Waco, McLennan County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 254-799-1927
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.5926005, Longitude: -97.098732

komentarze 5

  • es

    Erick Guadarrama


    Es un excelente taller mecánico y muy buenos mecánicos lo bueno que se habla español

  • en

    Anita West


    Dependable, honest, reasonable prices, timely. Phillip does excellent work.

  • Paul Keeney

    Paul Keeney


    He charges enough but the parts and labor are outstanding. Mr Brown replaced the engine in my Pathfinder.

  • en

    Jason Kirkpatrick


    Nothing fancy, just a straight up, honest to goodness, top notch auto repair shop. The ASE certification is always a reassuring designation to see when trusting someone with your vehicle; that's what led me to this place. It was a confusing mechanical problem that I brought them, but they figured it out. I've personally seen them stand by their work, and be very accommodating to their customers. They diagnosed a failing alternator for me once, half an hour before closing time. Because I had a 2 hour trip ahead of me that night and they didn't want me to end up stranded, they ordered the part and stayed an hour AFTER closing time to install it for me. These are experienced professionals who go the extra mile to do the right thing. That's what I observed about these mechanics.

  • Cameron Naylor

    Cameron Naylor


    Phillip Brown is the owner of the shop. He is an amazing mechanic and an even better person! As far as your vehicle goes, he will give you an honest quote (won't try to sell you anything you don't need) and he will get it done as quick as he can. Also, when it's fixed, it's fixed, no question. Also, if you are having a bad day and just need a laugh he's the man to see.

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