Brothers Lawn & Landscape en Philipstown

Estados UnidosBrothers Lawn & Landscape


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1760, U.S. 9, 10524, Philipstown, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-424-6440
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Latitude: 41.3833267, Longitude: -73.9121946

comentarios 2

  • en

    Sherrie N


    We have used Brothers exclusively since 2002 and they are fantastic. You can always get a call back right away from the owner to discuss anything. We have had the same crew for years, and the guys are polite and come every week like clockwork. I highly recommend them. We have never had any billing issues whatsoever. I hardly ever post reviews, but after reading the one below, I just want to provide another opinion. I could not be happier with them. And the guy they recommended to me to do the fertilizing is also very nice. We are completely satisfied.

  • Rob



    Good idea to stay away from these guys. They charge exorbitant prices and then hire Mexican and South American laborers and pay them peanuts. They cut the grass as fast and sloppy as they can. Then, for fertilization chemical treatment, they send you to another guy. One more business to deal with, and more trouble than it's worth. My lawn never looked so terrible. It will take time and $$ now to correct the problems from this lousy service. Billing is unintelligible, so you never know what your total outstanding balance is. They tried to charge me twice as much to clean my gutters as another reliable service that I found. What a rip off! STAY AWAY!

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