Brooks-Waterburn Corp. w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneBrooks-Waterburn Corp.



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1105, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-997-9800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.708416, Longitude: -73.42815

komentarze 5

  • Robert Masone

    Robert Masone


    Joel did amazing things for me .. handled my insurance needs and saved me money.. I highly recommend you have Joel look over your existing policies- great advise and service

  • Dennis Diaz

    Dennis Diaz


    Larry, Joel and team are an A++ team of insurance agents. They carry my business' insurance. I had little knowledge about insurance for small businesses when I went to them. They guided me to the best policy in a price I could afford. I also appreciate their accessibility - they are around whenever I have a question. People with their customer-focused approached are hard to find in the insurance world. They are, undoubtedly, seen as partners in the business. They really care about our safety and longevity.

  • en

    seonjeong Park


    Brooks Waterburn is the best insurance company, specially Debbie has taken care of all my business insurance needs for years and will continue to do so for many more years to come. It is nice to know if I ever need help my professional agent will be there for me.

  • en

    Gene Mazzola


    Individual Attention. Whenever we call we are always able to speak to Kathy (Kathy Iacono), and she always speaks to us like she is a friend and not a salesperson. It is comfortable and very family oriented, which we like!

  • en

    Conchetta Sanders


    As mid-level business owners, two of our primary concerns are risk exposure and cost. Brooks-Waterburn is key to helping us manage risk through their varied and multiple product offerings. They're a one-stop shop. We no longer require 3 or 4 providers to cover all our needs. Their customer service is friendly, accessible, responsive and reassuring in that that you can always reach a live person to provide direction. Our agent, Debbie Matzen, is very knowledgeable about her industry and our's. We consult with her regularly to meet our coverage needs and keep costs down. Before Debbie, I always saw insurers as sales people, but she's been key to our growth as adviser and specialist. I highly recommend this company.

najbliższy Agencja ubezpieczeń

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