Brooks 1890 w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBrooks 1890



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2428, Jackson Avenue, 11101, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-937-1890
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7462739, Longitude: -73.9441403

komentarze 5

  • Theodore Mullally

    Theodore Mullally


    Great and inexpensive pub food & Italian mix. A nice lunch place with enough variety that you want to go back again and again.

  • en

    Genevena Lewis


    Good food...nice atmosphere ...server very nice. What turned me off I went to the bathroom and the restaurant ran out of toilet tissue I asked 3 different people for it for them to say they ran out. I had to asked for again and they gave me tissue. It bothered that no one thought toilet tissue would be needed for your customers. A older gentleman just sat there and didnt bother to do anything until I askes .Glad I didn't make a huge purchase here! Not too thrill to come back either

  • evie ot

    evie ot


    The Grilled chicken A La Brooks was delish! And filling! I could only eat half! The fries could be a little crispier.. but overall, good food, good service and atmosphere! Yummmy!

  • en

    Oscar gonzalez


    This place is the good ole Reliable. It's on the way home from a hard day's work. Conveniently arrived by the train station. And they Could serve a good pint. The service is very Courteous, Is that is very generous. They give you enough separation for you to be able to enjoy your drink whether you wanna have a chat or not. You should definitely stop in for a drink on the way home.

  • abhisek mondal

    abhisek mondal


    Coming here has never disappointed me thus far. The lasagna is just awesome. That's my favorite here. But then today I ordered the Cajun steak and man it was good. It was flavorful, juice and cooked just right. Thoroughly enjoyed it. My friends enjoyed their dishes too. The staff and the chefs are kind enough to customize the dish to your liking to make sure you enjoy it. Good food and a good price, can't be beat. Highly recommend it.

najbliższy Bar

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