Brooklyn's Finest Pizza w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneBrooklyn's Finest Pizza



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5007, Lowell Boulevard, 80221, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-477-0066
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.787726, Longitude: -105.035061

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bethany Lucas


    Honestly, this is the only place I'll order pizza from in the area. I've been consistently disappointed by other places, but everything is delicious and quickly made here. I particularly like their pepperoni, pizza crust, and Caesar salad. The prices are reasonable, particularly for their slice specials. 2 giant slices and a pop for $5.50? Yes, please!

  • Raymond Rivera

    Raymond Rivera


    Went there for the first time yesterday, probably one of the best strombolis I've ever had. All of the employees that were there were nice to me, and in particular the cashier at the time. Thank you so much for my first experience there

  • Suzie Carrasco

    Suzie Carrasco


    Really good experience. The pizza is good. Lots of topping options. I didn't love my salad so the owner came to talk to me about it. He wanted very badly to make-up for my not liking it. Just really seemed to care. Which is refreshing. The cannoli are absolutely yummy.

  • Rick Reese

    Rick Reese


    “We’re Regulars!” ***** We usually avoid doing five star reviews because if you all trust our review, try Brooklyn's Finest and then love them - you’ll be regular customers too. Then, Brooklyn's Finest will ALWAYS be real busy - and we’ll have to compete with you for a table! :-) My better-half Diane says this: "I'm from Brooklyn living in the Denver Metro, and I have not had pizza this good for over 30 years! I thought - I'm back in New York!" We always read the low ratings when we do a review and are VERY surprised that there are a few here. Carlo has the professionalism and integrity to actually read reviews and communicate with the people who have rated - that's a RARE and honorable trait! We've shared Brooklyn's Finest with many family and friends - they've all just raved about how great the food is, and that the service from the people there is absolutely extraordinary - and many of our family and friends are now regulars - that says a lot! So, we write this because Carlo and his team do a great job - and they deserve, and certainly have earned a review like this. So okay - we’ll risk it and say it: Stop in and see for yourself - we bet Brooklyn's Finest will have you become regulars too! Rick and Diane

  • Tonia Dun Can

    Tonia Dun Can


    I ordered a XL Bronx Bomber pizza takeout. It was the best pizza I've ever had. I liked the balsamic glaze on it. The staff were very helpful. I thought the menu had a good variety and was reasonably priced. It looked like it would be a good place to eat in, watch a game, get something from the bar.

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