Brilliant Smiles Dental w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBrilliant Smiles Dental



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820, Flatbush Avenue, 11226, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-693-9811
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Latitude: 40.6526614, Longitude: -73.959429

komentarze 5

  • betsy romero

    betsy romero


    I don't know what's worse the fact that as soon as I walked in I was clearly ignored as a new patient I pretty much signed in waited a few thinking some one was going to look at the clip board ( they didn't) I had to get up and pretty much say haaay my name is and I finally got what I needed to register in when that was done my appointment time was a 11 am ( I got there at 10:45 so I had time to fill out the necessary paperwork) i got called 12:45 pm to be told that my insurance does not cover routine x-ray and cleaning ( to my chagrin) the receptionist then told me I should call my insurance to verify ( something that is in her job description) ie that's her job she had 2 hours to do so by the way as I sat there , disgusted I left ( I had to pick up my child from school) I call my insurance company and wouldn't you know my insurance covers said services they hadn't before . But my insurance company assured me that as of 2018 routine x-ray and cleaning was covered had she called ( again which is her job) she would of known. After the conversation I called only to be left on hold . Oh and let me not forget to mention that they didn't tell me that they moved office so at first I went to the wrong place . The new office is very nice and very clean but what's the point if the staff doesn't know what they are doing. a medical professional is only as good as the staff he keeps . I had high hopes but I guess I'll find another dentist .

  • en

    linda gerena


    Brand new office located on ground level. The latest State of the art facility with all brand new equipment. The doctors are all American trained and or have specialized in the USA. Extra personal service, the ladies at the front desk go out of their way to your answer any questions and explain the, sometimes complex insurance coverage information. The assistants are warm and caring and really go out of their way to easy any fears you may have. The manager personally would oversee and do all possible to make your treatment as pleasant and speedy as possible. They are open on Saturdays and besides having General dentists there are Pediatric dentist as well.

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    valon samarxhiu


    Best derty place ever!!!😡😡

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    Natalie Delvalle


    I was a little skeptical because of the bad reviews but gave them a chance and I'm happy I did. They treated my daughter so nice and were very gentle with her. Also i never liked going to dentist due to bad experiences in the passed and i have to say the doctors here are really sweet and treat you like family. I especially love my doctor and her assistant, because of this place I enjoy coming to the dentist without fear. There is a wait to be seen but really everywhere you go ...there's always a short waiting just have to have patience. Please ignore the bad reviews and give this place a try.

  • en

    Lauren Bailey


    Please do not listen to the other reviews. This dental office is very helpful and polite. As you know in every office there are wait times, and this particular dental office wait time is pretty short! The receptionist is friendly and the atmosphere is very welcoming. I took my children there and they made them feel comfortable. I would especially like to give a warm thanks and am very grateful for pediatrician dentist Dr. Yasmeen. She is by far the nicest dentist I have ever met and my kids absolutely adored her! I would recommend this place and I am updating my health insurance so you will see us soon! Thanks a lot!

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