Brighton Place w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneBrighton Place



🕗 godziny otwarcia

222, East Cody Drive, 85040, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-304-9837
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4012021, Longitude: -112.0707129

komentarze 5

  • en

    Blanca Galindo


    I love but it is ok

  • Lola Ramirez

    Lola Ramirez


    I’m currently a resident here and I’ve been here for about 7 months and my car has been broken into at least 4 times! They definitely need to get security other then that the apartments are nice & the lady in the office is so sweet & respectful

  • en

    Joel Camacho


    I was going to submit complaints to The U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Association of Residential Property Managers for Mismanagement and Poor Maintenance of the apartment complex. However I decided to not waste my energy and time dealing with you people. At first everything was great but then the Property Manager turned real shady and didn't want to return my security deposit or my mail. So Rhonda don't speak on everyone's behalf you don't know everyone's situation and why they have left the apartment complex. Anyways Claudia don't make any more tenants mad because one of them may just end up submitting complaints and it will come back and bite you in the a**.

  • en

    Rhonda Garcia


    I think its hard to maintain the apartments when people just dont care. I feel the manager should get more respect for what she has done here. There were always arguments from neighbors and the kids running around and the parents dont care. Claudia dont play, she cleaned up everthing and told people to leave unless they keep everything clean. Now its great. The people who said bad and negative things were asked to leave. Thats why.

  • en

    david Rodriguez


    I just want to thank all the staff at brighton place for doing a good job with my work orders and property look nice I'm happy here at the community

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