Brickhouse Food & Drink w Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneBrickhouse Food & Drink



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20, South Broadway, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-358-2170
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.0900875, Longitude: -73.9187626

komentarze 5

  • Miguel Gonzalez

    Miguel Gonzalez


    Been here more than a couple of times. The food is good and the ambience is great. The issue is the service is very inconsistent. Every time I have been here, there has been an issue with the service. It is usually slow. Expect about 30 min at least to get food. So come with chatty company and not too hungry. If you are unlucky, someone in your party will get half their order wrong... Or they won't bring it at all because they forgot to put it in or they never told you they had ran out of that item. This has happened in some shape or form twice to me.

  • Michael Yang

    Michael Yang


    This place needs a serious management overhaul. We arrived 4:30 pm on a Monday. The restaurant was only 1/2 full so we were seated immediately. However, nobody acknowledged our existence for 20 minutes after we sat down. Finally my wife went up front to the hostess to see what the deal is. She was told “ok, sorry”. Another 5 minutes passed and finally our waiter came. We were starving by this point so I placed my order quickly. Another 5 minutes and the waiter came back and told us they were out of ribs. That’s the one thing that my 9 years old son craved for. How do you run out of food at 4:30 in the afternoon?? At this point, we stand up and walk out. This is the first time and the last time we would go to the Brickhouse. We did not get to find out how the food is. It is not important anyway since we will not set foot in that establishment anymore.

  • Jude Charles

    Jude Charles


    Really cool spot. The food is really good. The service is good. Nice decor and cool environment. Their nachos is to die for.

  • Alan Mandel

    Alan Mandel


    Had a good time. Wanted the pulled pork, but they were already out of it on a Sunday night, at about 5:00 PM. Had the ribs instead, which were great. No service problems as others have alluded to. Our waitress was on point. Layout is a bit unusual, but charming. Decent crowd. I’d go back. Parking on the street is tight but spots can be found if you’re patient.

  • Matt Solari

    Matt Solari


    The food is great, but that isn't the hard part of running a restaurant. Every time I have been here the service is terrible. Sometimes it borders on plain rude. I am always polite, I always tip (no matter what), and I've been a server/cook in a couple of establishments. There is no reason for the service to have been the way it was. In the side alley they have their "dumpster". It is a pathetic excuse of waste management. It is always, and I mean always, spilling out right into the street (I will take pictures soon), it's never properly cleaned out or taken care of, and I find it extremely disrespectful to treat your property and town that way. Not considering towards the environment. And the real nail in this coffin is the fact that I have heard reports of VERY improper, unsanitary conditions in the kitchen. Conditions that should shut down a restaurant but were ignored and business ran as usual.

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