Bri-Tech w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneBri-Tech



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829, Lincoln Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-563-8000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7668952, Longitude: -73.0822109

komentarze 5

  • Harry Scheiner

    Harry Scheiner


    Brian and Rich offer absolutely outstanding customer service! They had answers for every question I had, and a few to some I hadn’t thought to ask! The automation install was scheduled relatively quickly and finished on time. They even worked with my builders first hand so I didn’t have to pass information back and forth (which can sometimes cause a huge hassle, and I try to avoid whenever possible.) Thanks so much, guys! Love my Symbiant system!

  • Matt Giuliani

    Matt Giuliani


    I saw an ad and decided to stop into the showroom to check out their home theatre systems and was completely blown away by both the presentation room and the staff’s knowledge. The product lines they offer are absolutely top notch! Highly recommended if you’re looking for a high-end home cinema.

  • Tom Brenseke

    Tom Brenseke


    I recently had a home automation system installed and I only wish I’d done it sooner! Everything in my house, from lighting to heat to sound is now completely automated, and EXTREMELY easy to control, even if I’m not home! The lights and heat are never accidentally left on, and they even saved me from disaster when I was away on vacation and our washing machine line sprang a leak! The system alerted me right away, and I was able to shut off the water and nothing was damaged!

  • Lisa Fox

    Lisa Fox


    The theatre room they have set up is absolutely amazing! I wanted to come back with my kids just for a family movie night! I didn’t realize how much went into planning out a really professional home theatre set up, but the staff here went into great detail about the process, and I’ll definitely be giving them a call when I’m ready to have mine put in!

  • Generations Beyond

    Generations Beyond


    Bri-tech sets the bar when it comes to smart home technology. For a Techie like me its important to have the "latest & greatest" but even more importantly, it has to work! It definitely does.

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