Brea Auto Electric / Brea Rods & Classics w Brea

Stany ZjednoczoneBrea Auto Electric / Brea Rods & Classics



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271, North Orange Avenue, 92821, Brea, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-256-2250
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Latitude: 33.9225024, Longitude: -117.8962004

komentarze 5

  • en

    gary cochran


    I called them to get a speed sensor relocator after swapping an 8.8 for a 9" rearend...i hought i ad y problem solved but i was wrong...i gave them he gear raito the tire size etc. 2 weeks i receive the part and try to install it..its the wrong size so i have it machined to 5.227" and it fits like a glove so i drive and findout it has way too much signal...i call doug and tell him it didn't fit so i fixed that but it has too much signal and it isnt round and the poles are not spaced equally and the depth of the poles are all different and it's causing a bad vibration...he says he will make a custom one and to give him a week... so i wait and now were going on 3 weeks i call him again and he says i build hotrods! So you can wait or get a refund and my custom pars are expensive! So i wait and he calls saying hes sending it...end of the week it gets here and its just like the first one...spacing is all different depth is all different and the size is 5.212"...what a if your buying a part that this guy makes...dont expect much..hack work at best...

  • en

    Craig Robinett


    These guys are great they did a brake job on my 57 chevy and did a class job. The car had been sitting for years and they completely rebuilt the stock brake system and fix the electric problems as well and consulted with me on the entire project.

  • en

    J smith


    Yea they are total a-h#$@#! I had my Mustang towed in there and I was having charging problems. Doug or whoever came out, lifted the hood and said I'm not working on this car it is a cluster$%#%! He didn't test the alternator or anything. I mean he is an auto electric guy! What a jerk. I am going to post on Yelp also.

  • en

    A Google User


    Our family has been going to Doug for decades and he's always been very fair. Not always the cheapest but always way below dealer rates and just as solid - if you have a problem it gets fixed and fixed right. They won't do what they can't do well, so you're safe if they take the job. I've referred a number of friends over the years and they've always walked away happy. Oh, and I do most of my own work so I use Doug for the tough stuff that a backyarder can't do in a practical manner. Give them a try, they'll treat you right with anything resembling reasonable expectations and attitude. One last thought, they are completely separate from Doug's Brea Auto Repair next door, so make sure that you're going to the right one. Yes, there are two Dougs right next to each other and they are separate people - I've met them both.

  • en

    A Google User


    I don't know what the other reviewer is talking about, but I can't say enough about Brea Auto Electric. Three years ago, my daughter's car broke down in Pasadena and it was towed to one of those chain auto places. Turns out it was a bad alternator. Since we live in the SF Bay Area (she's going away to school) I was very concerned about my 18 year old daughter. To make a long story short, we ended up taking the car to Mike at Brea and got nothing but excellent service. I felt like they treated my daughter like their daughter and they were great about picking her up and taking her back to her dorm as required. We had other work done there when her car got hit by another car and again experienced great service. So, three years later the alternator went out again. I thought that was short for an alternator and called Mike. He agreed that it was and said he would take care of the problem for a minimal cost. He did not have to do this as it very likely wasn't the alternator, but a different problem with the car. But, he said "It was the right thing to do". In any case, I had the car towed to Brea. They took the alternator apart and discovered that it was only a bad brush. They replaced that and it was even less than what he had originally told me! I'm always suspicious of car places, and he could have easily told me more money and I would have still been happy, but he didn't. I found that these guys are very trust worthy and a class act. If I lived in LA, I would drive miles to take me car to Brea Auto Electric.

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