Bravo Furniture i New York

Forenede StaterBravo Furniture



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2330, McDonald Avenue, 11223, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-872-7172
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Latitude: 40.5955083, Longitude: -73.9736504

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alex Makaryan


    I bought a dining table and chairs set from these guys. They were very helpful and didn’t try to pitch me. I found the same set on line. The man helping me asked me politely what that price was. I honestly told him and he still beat it by $180 Plus included delivery and installation. So the total savings were about $300. The reason why my rating for them is a 5 though, is because of what they did afterwards. One of the chairs came in damaged from the manufacturer (not their fault). They ordered me a new one which also came damaged and then replaced that one. Overall, I was treated great. Sale, to delivery and installation, to customer service was terrific. Wish all businesses were ran like this one.

  • Ray Lankin

    Ray Lankin


    Great furniture store. Lots of selection. Very good customer services. Prompt delivery. I have bought a lot of furniture at this store and never had any problems. Always been very happy. Highly recommend this store to anyone looking to buy furniture.

  • Alice Antonovsky

    Alice Antonovsky


    I have been shopping at this furniture store for many years. Always great experience. Great customer service, reasonable prices, great selection and fast delivery. Sales people and owner himself go out of their way to make sure you find exactly what you are looking for. I highly recommend this store to anyone shopping for furniture.

  • Alexandra Petrova

    Alexandra Petrova


    This place has everything you need and the service is extremely attentive. Nice store. Plenty of collections to look at to get a feeling of the different styles they offer. The staff are helpful and very pleasant. Love this store.

  • en

    Irina Vayner


    I like this store, salespersons are so knowledgeable and able everything to feet your needs. I bought furniture for all my new apartment. Price was great and expected, shipping on time, and store sent me a lot of gifts. I will recommend this store to all my friends and relatives.

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