BRAKES N ALL - Tire & Complete Autocare w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneBRAKES N ALL - Tire & Complete Autocare



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1536, North Limestone, 40505, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-368-0696
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.06418, Longitude: -84.47067

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mark Ross


    I have used them about ten times now on several vehicles and they give me great service at a good price and don’t charge me for things I don’t need!

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    Matt Dial


    Have Reese take care you here. He's been in the mechanics business for years and now has his own shop. Go see him and his team, they will do a great job and keep you from spending tons of $$$

  • en

    Eric Sizemore


    I have gotten oil changes, tire rotations, new tires, idle arm and front suspension on three different vehicles. The price has been less than others I went to for estimates or in the past. The service was great, friendly and courteous. I have now gotten to know Reese and consider him my mechanic. I suggest you start with an oil change and see for yourself. I highly recommend.

  • en

    Joshua Boykin


    My experience has been nothing but the best! Reese and Mark are top notch marchanics. They are honest and they do not over charge. They've worked on 3 diffent cars of mine and the results have been as expected. They also follow up with your experience. They are always atleast 30% cheaper than any estimate I've had. They not compromise on their work. They will not sell you what you do not need. I've had bad experiences with places in the past! Not at all wth Brakes n all auto care! Thank you guys for your outstanding service!!! God bless!

  • en

    Mary helen Shashy


    I have a 2004 Honda Pilot that I love! Mark at Brakes N All is extremely thorough in making sure it's always running in perfect condition. I brought it here from a friend's recommendation when my air conditioning compressor died, brakes needed work, and had a tire problem (nice situation huh). They took care of everything quickly at at a very good price. Ever since this place has been my "go to" for anything I'm needing. Highly highly recommend!!

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