Bradley Hopper, D.C. w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneBradley Hopper, D.C.



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3430, East Tropicana Avenue, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 702-450-5353
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1008737, Longitude: -115.099512

komentarze 5

  • en

    Linda Rumble


    This chiropractor is the best! He will tell you "You know your body, you tell me if you need another treatment." He will not automatically say that you need 2-3 treatments a week for 6 months. If you have no insurance or an insurance he doesn't accept--go anyway!! He is so reasonable and so affordable. He is great. He has helped me many times over the years. My first visit was about 11 years ago. I would never go to another chiropractor, just Dr. Hopper 🙂

  • en

    George Faria


    Very good

  • Mike Kennedy

    Mike Kennedy


    I came to Las Vegas from Canada and happen to be driving by and noticed Brads Chiropractic sign, he was able to take me in as a walk-in patient, Mr. Hopper was amazing I wasn't able to walk a 100 yards with out having to sit and rest because of some pinched nerves, I left his office that day feeling like a million bucks I'd highly recommend anyone to go see Brad he's polite kind and considerate! Thank you so much Dr. Brad.

  • Janette Pacheco

    Janette Pacheco


    I have been seeing Dr.Hopper for a few months now, and I have to say he's one of the best doctors I've met. He's truly caring, compassionate, and listens to all your needs. I went in with sciatica pain a few months ago, after two months of treatment, my pain was completely gone. Now he's currently treating me with an auto accident injury. He's knowledgeable and always tries to meet your needs and schedule. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is in need of a great chiropractor. *Also his rates are highly AFFORDABLE.

  • William Foster

    William Foster


    I had a severe chiropractic medical issue, on a Saturday, and Dr. Hopper came in and fixed the problem. Many Chiropractors say they are available for emergencies but few actually are. Dr. Hopper is one of those rare individuals who is truly dedicated to being the best doctor he can. His medical skills are only exceeded by his caring for his patients and his expertise and intelligence in the Chiropractic arts/science. I can not say enough good things about Dr. Hopper. My wife also loves him. He is very knowledgeable and saved me a ton of money in trying out useless equipment, methods and procedures. For example, he pointed out the best price and place to purchase a muscle vibrator. And the best kind are the percussion type. Something I would never have known. I highly recommend Dr. Hopper for anyone that is suffering from a back, neck, sciatica, etc. problem. Don't suffer anymore - see Dr. Hopper now. William G. Foster Las Vegas, NV

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