BowWow Babies® w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneBowWow Babies®



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830, West Jericho Turnpike, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-923-3111
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.826016, Longitude: -73.4412627

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jaclyn F


    Today my daughter and I were serious on getting a puppy. I was looking to have her pick one out and surprise her the following day. The staff was completely rude and obnoxious. I had questions which seemed to be annoying them and the woman answered with a attitude. I wouldn’t even buy from them just for that reason alone. It’s sad they can loose a sale just from that.

  • Skywhy



    We went to BowWow Babies for the first time and instantly knew it was the right place. It was spotless and you weren't assaulted by the smell of bleach or poo when you walked in! The puppy section was neat and kept and the service was amazing. Stephanie helped us with a pup for my mom, she was courteous, knowledgeable and compassionate! We were impressed by the information she provided with regards to caring for the new puppy and there were no hidden fees! We are so happy mom has a new companion! Thank you!!

  • Gary Romero

    Gary Romero


    It was literally a gloomy day and what was supposed to be a visit to explore our options for the future turned into leaving with our beautiful pup, Aria. My partner and I were very impressed with how beautifully set up and clean the store was, we've never been to any other pet store with standards so high! Lisa helped us from the very moment we stepped foot through those doors, she listened to every question we had and was very knowledgeable when it came to answering any concerns we had. She went above and beyond to make us happy and indeed we were, VERY HAPPY! Thank you, Lisa & BowWow Babies!

  • Tony Shiwprashad

    Tony Shiwprashad


    I went to many other pet stores before I went to Bowwow Babies and when I walked in the appearance and lighting let me know I was at the right place for my new addition to my family. I walked into the puppies section and it was well sanitary and organized and the best part was the strict rule of no hands in the display crib. I walked around and was assisted by Pam she answered all my questions to the best of her knowledge, she let my daughter and I interact with the puppy of my choice and then I knew he was the one for me. We then went over payment options which was great that they had financing but I don’t like credit, she then worked with me on the price to get it down to where we both were comfortable all was left to do is sign and take my new puppy home. transaction was a breeze, great service from all staff members. Ps they also have a vet that comes once a week to evaluate ALL the puppies to make sure there in great health right there and then I was sold....

  • en

    Mitch Stead


    We went to BowWow Babies while trying to find a place to buy our first dog. We were shocked at how clean and well kept the dogs were. Unlike other puppy stores, it was clear that the staff genuinely cared about the animals that they were selling and wanted them to end up in good homes. The staff was exceedingly friendly, well informed, and eager to help. The no touching policy along with the transparency offered with regard to the origin of the animals put to rest any concern about the health of the animals. The staff also worked in the same room as the dogs, something that we didnt see at other stores. I would recommend BowWow Babies to any prospective pet parent and I will be buying my first dog there, no matter the cost.

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