Boulevard Brewing Company i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBoulevard Brewing Company



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2501, Southwest Boulevard, 64108, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-474-7095
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.082097, Longitude: -94.596736

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Kostelac


    We were there in their third floor event venue. This is always a nice place for special events. Food is provided by your selection of catering company. They provided an open bar with multiple boulevard beer selections as well as a house red and white wine. The service during the event was great and they provide off duty KCPD security for the venue and parking lot.

  • Jerry Suiter

    Jerry Suiter


    This is a really nice place. Has a large number of beers and the staff are very helpful. Went back and did the tour which was also good.

  • en

    Josh Kroese


    Fun tour, gorgeous buildings, and delicious beers! You are able to try beers that the brewery is testing out and you can’t get elsewhere. The tour was informative and you get samples at the end. The food menu isn’t large but what they have is delicious

  • Tyler Picard

    Tyler Picard


    A great place to visit whether you're a native or an out-of-towner. It's a staple of Kansas City now, and if you're a beer fan I definitely recommend stopping by. They offer two choices of tours - a free one that is first come, first serve; and a $25 smokestack tour. The first being a brief overview of the brewery and the latter being a much more in depth tour that offers some beer along the way and a beer/food pairing at the end. I definitely recommend the latter if you have the opportunity, it's definitely worth the price of admission.

  • Greg Christie

    Greg Christie


    One of the best breweries in the Midwest. The tour in itself should be a reason to visit. The story of how it came to be and how it functions is great to hear. The beer is great and the atmosphere is amazing. If you're a fan of micro brews this place is a must visit. The gift shop has a lot of things for any beer lover to enjoy as well. The only thing I wish they did was sell the grain and yeast so a person could try to brew their own.

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