Botanical Gardens-Heritage Pk en Grapevine

Estados UnidosBotanical Gardens-Heritage Pk


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411, Ball Street, 76051, Grapevine, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-410-3350
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Latitude: 32.937813, Longitude: -97.0836829

comentarios 5

  • en

    Isip Shotz


    Very good place to host events. Comes with AC room and microphine and speaker system. Garden is very bug and beautiful.

  • Zach Fry

    Zach Fry


    Pretty cool. Kind of small, be aware that there is not a lot to look at here. This is one of those places where people like getting their pictures taken with high-end cameras. The gardens themselves are nice. Not sure if they look the same year-round since I went on a warm summer evening.

  • en

    David McDonald


    The Garden is small compared to other botanical gardens. However, it has a pond with koi fish and a playground just far enough not to disturb the gardens inhabitants. Its a great place to go read a book outside with the sounds of nature, just make sure you bring bug repelent. They also claim to have a tree that was there when our constitution was signed (plaque and all).

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    Katie Mcgriff


    The koi fish were very pleasant and pretty to look at. Also, one white fish was a little fat. I appreciated that it was informative in that there were signs stating the scientific and common names for the trees. It was in a nice shaded area and there were plenty of benches to rest along the pathway. Overall, it is a nice place to go for a walk and be with nature.

  • Benita Del Angel

    Benita Del Angel


    It’s nice but if you’re looking for a good walk you won’t get one. It’s small and not a lot to see. There were also a lot of people getting professionally photographed here so kinda took away from the experience.

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