Bonanza Stand of Oyster Bay i Oyster Bay

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Forenede StaterBonanza Stand of Oyster Bay



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25, Shore Avenue, 11771, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-922-7796
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Latitude: 40.8736973, Longitude: -73.5335025

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicholas Baldassarre


    Hidden Gem! Affordable, Quick n Delicious - Tasty Chilli Cheese Dogs (chilli is So Good) and excellent Italian Ices!!!

  • Robert Wagner

    Robert Wagner


    Freindly helpful workers and good home made italian ices!

  • en

    Harold Kingsley


    Best iced and dogs ever. Chili is unreal, so good

  • Victoria A

    Victoria A


    I have such fond memories of coming here as a kid for some Italian Ice after dinner in the summer time. Back in the day, the ices here couldn't be beat! More recently, I've felt as though the quality has dropped ever so slightly, but coming here is still a treat. My biggest complaint is the hours. A lot of the time, by the time I think to come here for an after dinner snack, it's already closed. (I believe they're done at 8:00pm?) I have also heard that the chili dogs here are great, but I haven't tried one yet!

  • Di Ana

    Di Ana


    This is an outdoor eatery. Its more like curbside order style. Very popular spot during the Oyster bay festival. They have tons of Italian ice flavors. They have limited food items from steak fries, chicken fingers, and hot dogs.

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