Bombay Dhaba w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneBombay Dhaba



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1207, South 1st Street, 78704, Austin, Travis County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 737-247-4323
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2518446, Longitude: -97.7538933

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lisa Croft


    This was one of my favourite meals in Austin. The lunch special is big enough to feed two and we were given three dishes instead of two! It was the perfect stop for our "food truck tour".

  • courtney cordova

    courtney cordova


    Wonderful. Had NO IDEA what to order and he helped us and even said if we didn't like it we didnt have to pay for it. It was absolutely delicious. We will definitely be back again. Thank you for a great first Indian food experience!!!

  • Samuel Kahn

    Samuel Kahn


    We had them cater a party and had some pretty specific dietary requests. He was happy to oblige and even gave us tons of extra food for free. We had a lot of guests ask us where we got it, saying “wow this is the best Indian food I have had in Austin. Where did you get it?” Definitely delicious!

  • Chloe Arana

    Chloe Arana


    The food always tastes amazing! It’s my favorite place to get Indian food at in Austin. The man here is always so kind and welcoming. During the summer, I brought my puppy and he told us it was too hot outside for the puppy and that he’d bring the food to our car. It was near 100 degrees F outside. He always finds a way to make our time here special.

  • Shelby Aranyi

    Shelby Aranyi


    Best Indian food I’ve had in Austin! Our portions were perfect, especially for the price. I’m not sure why other people didn’t like the flavor... maybe they ordered not spicy 😉🔥 lol also the guys working here are super nice. It was cold out and they brought the food to the car so we didn’t have to get out. Definitely coming back

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