Bolo Clean: Home Improvement, Cleaning & Restorations w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBolo Clean: Home Improvement, Cleaning & Restorations



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2901, Brooklyn Avenue, 11210, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-483-9388
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6268, Longitude: -73.941258

komentarze 5

  • en

    H W


    The Bolo Clean did a great job for my post-construction cleaning. The team cleared all the dust that was everywhere and wiped everything down meticulously. I also brought the firm back to help with moving in. The guys were responsive to what we needed and really helped set everything up nicely.

  • en

    Anthony Jones


    I had my commercial space cleaned after few renovations this Jan, I have nothing but amazing things to say about Lawrence and his BoloClean team! From friendly service to amazing results, I will definitely recommend BoloClean to anyone. Needless to say, everything was spotless!! The walls were spotless, the floors were shiny, the back splash looked like new.. Amazed & extremely happy by the results.

  • en

    Mary Williams


    The owner Lawrence and his staff, are a pleasure to deal with and they provide excellent service to their clients. The apartment was cleaned to perfection post-construction. The BoloClean team is always cheerful when they arrive; they take a lot of pride in their work and work really hard. When they leave the house is immaculate.

  • en

    Jennifer Allison


    My husband and i are expecting a baby, and we hire Bolo Clean to do our post construction cleaning. The contractor that did our renovation, left construction dust all over the house. As soon as you walk in, you can smell the dust. We do want want our new born to get Asthma or any related illness due from dust, so we hire Bolo. They did an amazing job eliminating, and providing deep cleaning. We truly appreciate the service, and Lawrence was our project manager. I high recommend them for all you post construction cleaning needs.

  • en

    Mercy Gbolo


    I would highly recommend Bolo Clean for your renovation project. They were quick, efficient, and effective. They always answered my questions or concerns. They renovated my two bedrooms apartment in NYC, and it turned out great. Lawrence, the owner, was Always checking up on me to make sure I was happy with everything and if the workers did their job. Their customer service was excellent. Actually, they are available 24/7. Highly recommended them for any renovations or construction project you would need. Thanks for your hard work Bolo Clean.

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